Sunday, 22 April 2007

The night Sally's Bike Died

Does this colour clash? Let us know if we should be in one colour one font or variation. But just remember contradiction makes a gal much more interesting don't you know!

To the point in hand!

A plan was hatched (although it did take quite a while to hatch! Shall we go biking in the Pentlands or Carron Valley or perhaps a road cyle or no what about a climb at Ratho? ). Lots of options when you are an adventure racing chick because you have to turn your hand to any activity, whatever the challenge. (SEE we COULD be Charlies Angels!)

Well it was the Pentlands despite the stormy weather. We are also tough, not just fair weather gals! Sally had spent time photocopying maps with points marked on them for us to navigate to. ( still on a high about our brilliant navigation, just need to make sure that I do have the mountain rescue number in my back pocket!)

So we set off, and off trail we went, a steep climb on real mountain bike tracks, although I do think the ranger would have given us a telling off because this may have been a protected route. All was good, the sky was black the wind was howling, and the chicks kept on climbing..........well, untill Sally's wheel started not going round smoothly (may be a technical name, but not sure). We stopped, looked, looked again, listened, listened again, then decided touching was required. OOOO could be the brakes? NOW, we have both done a bike maintenance course, so out comes the tool.

"So which bit do we use?"
" mmm that bit?"
"yeh that looks right"
"Oh which part does it go in to?
"OH, mmmm, lets just try this"
"mmmm that is just moving it up and down, lets just try this other bit"

Big Smiles it seems to be better and this is because we are adventure racing chicks who fear no evil (as in weather) and battle through all obstacles ( that will be the bike problem bit).

Off we go again, very happy chicks. OOOps oh no it's worse, we look and listen again. This results in a decsion that 'tough' your just gonna have to pedal through. Half an hour later Sally is no longer cycling the bike, the bike is hitching a ride on her. Yes she carried it nearly 3 miles back because the brake completely jammed on the wheel. Which of course had nothing to do with our bike maintenance skills, because we did a course you know. It was all the fault of the bike man who recently serviced it!

Sally now has a very nice NEW BIKE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.