Sunday, 22 April 2007

The night Sally's Bike Died

Does this colour clash? Let us know if we should be in one colour one font or variation. But just remember contradiction makes a gal much more interesting don't you know!

To the point in hand!

A plan was hatched (although it did take quite a while to hatch! Shall we go biking in the Pentlands or Carron Valley or perhaps a road cyle or no what about a climb at Ratho? ). Lots of options when you are an adventure racing chick because you have to turn your hand to any activity, whatever the challenge. (SEE we COULD be Charlies Angels!)

Well it was the Pentlands despite the stormy weather. We are also tough, not just fair weather gals! Sally had spent time photocopying maps with points marked on them for us to navigate to. ( still on a high about our brilliant navigation, just need to make sure that I do have the mountain rescue number in my back pocket!)

So we set off, and off trail we went, a steep climb on real mountain bike tracks, although I do think the ranger would have given us a telling off because this may have been a protected route. All was good, the sky was black the wind was howling, and the chicks kept on climbing..........well, untill Sally's wheel started not going round smoothly (may be a technical name, but not sure). We stopped, looked, looked again, listened, listened again, then decided touching was required. OOOO could be the brakes? NOW, we have both done a bike maintenance course, so out comes the tool.

"So which bit do we use?"
" mmm that bit?"
"yeh that looks right"
"Oh which part does it go in to?
"OH, mmmm, lets just try this"
"mmmm that is just moving it up and down, lets just try this other bit"

Big Smiles it seems to be better and this is because we are adventure racing chicks who fear no evil (as in weather) and battle through all obstacles ( that will be the bike problem bit).

Off we go again, very happy chicks. OOOps oh no it's worse, we look and listen again. This results in a decsion that 'tough' your just gonna have to pedal through. Half an hour later Sally is no longer cycling the bike, the bike is hitching a ride on her. Yes she carried it nearly 3 miles back because the brake completely jammed on the wheel. Which of course had nothing to do with our bike maintenance skills, because we did a course you know. It was all the fault of the bike man who recently serviced it!

Sally now has a very nice NEW BIKE.

jacs version

oooh what colour now? This is the most demanding part of all....formatting text!

The best thing about the day...........the weather! (Only kidding Sally!) No the best thing about the day was that we took part and managed to do navigation BRILLIANTLY in the hills, massive boost to our confidence.

The worst part of the day................running up the hills! Why did i enjoy that ? I do believe that Sally and I had a role reversal from our first run up Dumyat. To get through it I just kept telling myself 'it is good to see things on the other side of the coin' that was my moral boosting technique to get me up, and let me tell you this, it is not easy when you cannot breath, your calves ache and you think the world must be looking at you wondering what on earth a person like YOU is doing, doing Adventure Racing. This is anothe sympathy part! Yes my self esteem is rather low at the moment, but do not fear i am working on it! A changed person you will see soon.

Anyway back to the RACE, yes despite our pace it was a race, but as i frequently state it is the participation that counts. Inspite of the above i have to say my high of the day was the challenge of the gates, TWO BIG ONES DON'T YOU KNOW, where we had to lift the bikes over. It was GREEAT just thinking that no obstacle will get in our way we are invincible we are superhero's (perferably charlies angels!). Anyway, i think i have just let slip a fantasy 'calm down girl it is only adventure racing there is no charlie or bosley' ...... 'oooo but could i at least try some high kicks' Okay, just realised this is not that blog we are talking about, we are doing the adventure racing not being a charlies angel!

Back to the race (focus), oooohhhh but what Charlies Angels do you think Sally and I could be? Sorry struggling to focus at the moment i am on a very serious mission!

Adventure race day at Drumlanrig was the first of the season and it has certainly put the wind in our sails, so roll on Arran. Really looking forward to attempting an 8 hr race.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Oh no, not the woods again!

This is the story of our first Adventure Race of 2007 in Drumlanrig. A five hour race - see

You'd have thought we would have learnt from last year. The woods of Drumlanrig are some like of mystical forest with paths that disappear, gates that appear from nowhere and quite frankly, bl**dy frustrating! We just couldnt find that "hobbit house" - was it because I never managed to read the Tolkein tome, or was it a compass error? Blame it on the map. Yes, the map was wrong. Well, everyone else we met in the woods thought so too.

What a relief when after an hour we found our first "DIBBER". And "DIBBED". (That is inserted the thing that is tied around your wrist into the electronic device attached to whatever point you have reached). We shared this excitement with a couple of other girls who were equally lost and bewildered by the mystical forest. The roots had even decided to puncture this poor girls tyre - and although she was carrying a bike pump (essential kit) she wasnt really sure if it would work. So we lent her ours and I had my first cheese break.

Huge relief as we finally hit the road and flew down the hills heading for the bike drop. Bit nervous about this one as we were trying our hand at navigating on the hills under pressure for the first time. But to our suprise and amazement we got it quickly sussed and picked up a heap of different points in the hills. But it was the BULLS this time that thwarted us. Some one please tell me how at a distance (and this was with our contact lenses in) you can tell the difference between a cow and bull (ADD A COMMENT IF YOU KNOW). If there is no udder does that mean it is a Bull?? We got the fear and backtracked on two occasions!

It was only when we got to the bottom of the hill that I think Jacs had her first food! She had kept going for 4 hours without eating! (Reminder to self to let Jacs know when I am eating so she remembers - must have been all the adrenaline!) But I am a CHEESE MONSTER, so any excuse for a morsel..

So at 5.15 and with just 45 mins to go we decided to try to get one more point in the forest before heading back. But it was a fair old pull up the hills and Jacs suddenly hit an energy slump, felt really faint and looked like she might keel. "JELLY BABIES" I cried "Stuff them in" - I had learnt this technique for helping your team member from Jacs the year before when I hit a few energy slumps!. Not sure how many she ate, but WOW - back again and up for the next points.

So a final fly down the trails back to Drumlanrig Estate for the activities at the end if we had time. And this is where it comes full circle and the forest starts playing tricks on us again. One all mighty hughe wrought iron gate with a high fence on a steeply sloping bank. Before I could blink Jacs was over - "just pass the bikes to me". What a fluster. Was exhausted. Lift the bikes over this fence! Managed somehow to get the bikes over, but I fear for Jackies back having done this in a particularly cack-handed way. I need to practice my bike lifting technique apparently. (Oh and also how to go fast through mud - now that sounds like more fun to practice!)

Just 4 mins to spare and we were back home. OK, so we didnt get that many points (but we didnt come last either). And in the two hour drive home so many plans and ideas for next time. Think we'll do the eight hour race next time.

Training session tonight in the Pentlands ...... And Jacs has been doing her reading about sports nutrition - my biggest fear - she is going to tell me that Cheese isnt appropriate as a racing food... !

Monday, 16 April 2007

Jacs on Lilo (WanDae Carron Valley 06)

"Just a 10K run" turns into this.

We were sitting in the restaurant at Ratho (Climbing Centre). We had had our usual. A glass of wine and gnocchi. Perfect pre-climbing fodder. A form was thrust under my nose. Sign this. Write a cheque. You are going to do the glasgow womens 10K run. "Am I? .. really? .....

but ... I was removed from the ballet class when I was seven for lack of co-ordination ..... and ..... when the list went up at school for the netball teams A and B and reserves for our "house" there was just one girl who didnt even make the B team 3rd reserve.... So I am just not sure running a 10K run is something I was meant for."

But somehow Jacs has this infectious enthusiasm and before you know it I am four 10K runs down, a novice triathlon and now just completed my second adventure race...

Thursday, 12 April 2007

a wee story

OK, so excited by all of this texted lots of people to have a look at our blog (it's cool you know!) Now getting phonecalls saying 'WHAT!' So here is a weeeee story.

Last year i decided that i wanted to do adventure racing, my lovely friends Anna and Sally smiled and said ok, so i did a wee bit research. If you do not know what adventure racing is then google. Anna and Sally run, cycle and generally are good all round gals, kayaking you name it they can do it. Anna has other commitments in her life and sadly declined ( although two competitive gals would be toooo much, so phew!) Sally, got right on board, had a wobble, and is now fully on board.

Last year i joined Columbia SALT (Scottish Adventure Ladies Team) and they have been a window of opportunity. I no longer need my friends, because i have SALT and i did the Edinburgh Rat Race with them and a Wan Dae event, all with people i do not know. I LOVED IT, especially meeting new like minded folk, and for all you guys out there, i have spent a LOT of time cycling behind gals with fab bums and not able to look at anything else for quite a few hours!

So anyway, Sally got a wee bit hooked, took her for a run up Dumyiat, and got sworn at she said this ' I only ever agreed to do a f....n 10km run' ooooo not happy, especially when i kept turning around and saying 'this is greeeeaaat eh!' But on the way down ( in the middle of the hills, complete wilderness) this is greeeeeaaaat eh, hooked, line and sinker! Yippeee.

Sally and i then went on to do the Wan Dae in Drumlanrig in Sep 06, totally loved it what a great day, despite being LOST in the woods for quite a while to start with. But our team cohesiveness made all the difference and we felt really proud of ourselves, and with our result by the end of the day.

So here we are now, a new season, and a new confident sally. We are now both members of Columbia SALT and part of our agreement is to do a race report after every race. So, what better way, a Blog (it's cool you know!). So here we are back at the beginning. And for all those who know me it is 1920hrs and i have an essay to be finished and submitted by 9am tomorrow morning. OH, and i have still a bit to do because you know this blogging takes up a wee bit of time.

till we meet again.

The next day!!!!!

Well a hour and a half cycle and i wake up in pain, in fact no, I wake up unable to move! Is this good for you, well apparently so. Even my osteopath tells me so! Back to how i felt....unable to walk, sit or lie, in excrutiating pain. The only thing for it, stay in bed and feel sorry for myself. This comes in the form of ' i will be in a wheelchair soon, I will not even be able to leave my flat....stuck here and i will never see anyone again!'

Anyway a few hours later, all is much better. YOGA! It's the way forward don't you know! I have been going regulary now since january and i still cannot touch my toes, but i do feel great afterwards. And that is what matters isn't it?

So i am back in a positive frame of mind, yep, gonna come last for our first adventure race of the season and then be competitve in September. That was my proposal to Sally a few weeks ago, taking into account i spent the whole of february laid up not even able to tie my own shoelaces (bad back you see, do you remember the pain part at the beginning? ). This is the part you feel sympathy for me, and agree that even just taking part is good because that really is what it is all about. Well that is untill you bring Sally into the equation, you see she is not very good at 'just taking part!' She wants to win....GULP!....At the moment i am just wondering how i am even going to manage to be active for 5hrs???????? OOOHH and not only that, now she has joined Columbia SALT there is more pressure, because now we are not allowed to just do the race on Sat. We now have to be very strategic so that we can still do well, oh and if that is not enough, because we are not doing the kayak (bad back you see) we are going to do the bit where you run up the hills...COUGH, because apparently that will make up the points for us. ONLY THING IS WE ARE NOT THAT GOOD AT MAP READING, not a problem for us because, you see, Sally and I are a fantastic team, and weeee will overcome ALL together.

Bet you now cannot wait to hear our race report!

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Day 1 of Training!

Wednesday evening, just home from mountain biking in Carron Valley. Decided to start a training diary between the two of us. So this it.

Day 1 of our training diary......Day 1 of our training!......And just 3 days to go until the first adventure race of 2007.........